Stormshield & MyPRM
MyPRM is proud to announce its signing (partnership) with European cybersecurity leader Stormshield
L’entreprise assure la cyber sécurité des données et des décline 3 gammes de produits, la protection des réseaux informatiques et industriels, la protection des postes et serveurs et la protection des données. Ces solutions de pointe sont certifiées au plus haut niveau européen. Présents dans plus de 40 pays via un fort réseau de partenaires distributeurs, Stormshield assure la protection des informations stratégiques d’entreprises de toutes tailles, d’administrations publiques et d’organismes de défense partout dans le monde.
Stormshield, c’est un réseau mondial de partenaires certifiés qui concrétise une stratégie du mondial au local. L’entreprise mise énormément sur ses partenaires, chacun bénéficie de multiples avantages comme la formation avancées sur les produits, un soutien promotionnel, et une assistance technique.
Stormshield en quelques chiffres :
• Un chiffre d’affaires de 51 millions en 2019
• 260 collaborateurs
• 900 partenaires commerciaux
• 40 pays représentés
Avec un tel panel de produits notre PRM est la solution idéale dans la gestion des partenaires revendeurs.
MyPRM est honorée d’avoir contractualisé avec un client de cette envergure et souhaite évoluer à ses côtés le plus longtemps possible.

OVH Cloud & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to announce that it has signed up the French cloud computing and web hosting giant.
Dans le monde le marché du cloud computing est largement dominé par les géants américains comme Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud et IBM cependant un Français fait partie de la course, OVH.
Fondé en 1999 par Octave Klaba, l’entreprise française dédiée à l’hébergement est leader Français et Européen.
OVH en quelques chiffres :
• 28 data centers dans 19 pays
• 300 000 serveurs
• 18 millions d’applications web hébergées
• 1 300 000 clients
• 14 des 40 sociétés du CAC 40
Ce sont pour toutes ces raisons que nous sommes fiers et heureux d’offrir notre solution My PRM à une entreprise comme OVH.
Docaposte & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to announce that it has signed a contract with the digital branch of the La Poste group, which was created in 2007 and offers a range of services for managing the exchange of business documents.
With the evolution of the world, Docaposte offers solutions to accompany companies in their digital and mobile transformations. Thanks to their tools such as electronic signature, time stamping, de-materialisation, digital archiving, electronic invoicing and digital identity, Docaposte is the French leader in electronic certification.
Thanks to its experience in document management and delegated business process management, Docaposte offers the most complete range of services for managing the professional exchanges of companies and institutions with their customers, suppliers, administrations, citizens and internal audiences.
Docaposte in a few numbers:
• 230,000 customers including 90% of turnover
• 6,400 employees
• 560 million euros in turnover in 2019
• 20 million transactions signed
With the multitude of services that Docaposte offers, it was obvious that partner management was a real challenge, which is why we are fortunate to be able to develop our portal alongside such a dynamic client.
Centreon & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to announce that it has signed a contract with Centreon, a software company that has been in existence for 15 years and is at the heart of the digitalisation of the economy, as illustrated by its annual growth of 40%.
Centreon is now a reference in the monitoring market, its platform is used by companies around the world to eliminate IT failures. Centreon’s AIOps monitoring platform is recognised for its unique ability to monitor complex and converged modern infrastructures.
The company has customers in banking and insurance, manufacturing, services, telecommunications, retail, transportation and logistics, tourism, media, healthcare and utilities.
Centreon in a few numbers:
• 8 million turnover in 2019
• 90 employees
• More than 500 direct WordWide customers
• More than 1000 customer sectors
• 2700 configuration templates in Centreon IT
With an ever-expanding global network of strategic partners, resellers, enterprise system integrators and MSPs, Centreon offers its customers technical support, expert services and training. That’s why it was a natural fit for Centreon and MyPRM to collaborate on partner management.
Efalia & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to have been working with Efalia since 2018, an expert in the dematerialisation of documents and processes that simplify the administrative management of more than 2,000 customers and 100,000 users on a daily basis.
With a wide range of solutions, Efalia uses the MyPRM platform to optimise its partners’ management.
Efalia supports its customers with an easy-to-use, open, secure software suite to manage your documents and business processes while being productive anywhere.
Efalia offers solutions for human resources management, finance, administration and quality control. They can count on a very good list of clients such as BNP, Vinci Construction, the Ministry of the Interior, French television channels, etc.
In addition, the editor proposes to recruit a large number of partners in order to collaborate on a common growth. Several solutions are offered such as support for digital transformation, dematerialisation of documents and the creation and implementation of ERP CRM type software.
Efalia key figures :
• 120 expers trained by Efalia
• More than 2000 clients
• 12 million euros in turnover
• More than 100,000 users
In view of the company’s strong development we are happy to be the tool for managing partners and indirect sales.
Isabel group & MyPRM
MyPRM is pleased to count Isabel Group among its clients. Isabel Group was the first multi-banking service provider for business users when it was founded and is now Belgium's leading fintech.
MyPRM is very happy to announce its signature with Kayo, a very nice company that digitalizes the event industry. #EventDataPlatform
Kayo is a global solution that integrates lead capture, event data management, event automation and integration with your marketing stack.
Kayo were the first to use digital and artificial intelligence data in the event industry.
For each event, Kayo allows you to capture, manage, measure, integrate and automate each issue.
Kayo key figures:
• Founded in 2013
• 25 employees in 2021
Kayo’s dynamism and expansion will be supported by MyPRM management tool, so we will simplify partner management, which is a very important development axis for the company’s future.
Sekoia & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to announce that it has signed a contract with Sekoia, the company that is modernising the fight against cyber attacks.
Based between Rennes and Paris, the company, founded in 2008 by Freddy Milesi, now has 80 employees working to anticipate cybercrime threats.
In 2020 Sekoia finalised its first round of funding of €10 million in order to market a new solution for anticipating, detecting and automatically processing cybercrime attacks.
Sekoia key figures :
• 80 employees
• Turnover of €6 million in 2019
• 4 areas of intervention
• Recruitment of 35 employees in 2021•
It is a new step for MyPRM to collaborate with a fast-growing technology company. We are pleased to be part of their expansion and we will put all our skills at the service of their indirect sales development.
Weblib & MyPRM
MyPRM is delighted to announce the signing of Weblib, a major player in the digitalisation of points of sale, businesses and public places.
Founded in 2009, Weblib recreates the special link between retailers and their customers. Through its point of sale digitalisation solutions, Weblib enables retailers to analyse customer behaviour and adopt real-time marketing solutions to improve customer loyalty. The company is present in 25 countries and its clients include McDonald’s, Uniqlo, Total, etc.
Kayo key figures:
• More than 700,000 users
• 22 integrators
• 11 distributors worldwide
• A turnover of more than 3 M€ in 2021
Through our collaboration we hope to help Weblib manage and optimize the relationship with their partners.